TUNISIAN REVOLUTION : What Can The Tunisian Revolution Teach us ?

The Tunisian revolution can teach us a lot of things if we want to learn something from other people’s experience :
  • Revolution happens unexpectedly even in the most police state.
  • Sometimes revolutions do not need leaders but this a double edged weapon.
  • People revolutions need a real support from the army especially if they are met by huge police resistance.
  • Education plays a huge role more than you can imagine and this is why our regime prefers us ignorant.
  • Uprisings and revolutions happen  in areas outside the capital and sooner they will be spreading throughout the country.
  • What happened in Tunisia can’t be copied in Egypt or any other country in the same way because each country has its own conditions and circumstances.
  • Arrogance and isolation bring dictatorship regimes down regardless of how strong they seem .
  • The middle class has a very important role to make the revolution succeed just like the working class , of course Tunisia has got a very big middle class. The whole society should be united to make a real successful revolution , what made the Iranian uprising fall in Iran was that it was a middle class revolution only.
  • The national revolution does not need a foreign support to succeed.
  • The unions and syndications play a very important role in these events.
  • The mainstream media is not that important anymore , in fact it has never been important . In 1919 people revolted against British occupation when there was no access to radio , even the number of those who read newspapers then was small still the revolution was successful. Till January 14 , 2011 all mainstream media in Tunisia was following Ben Ali and his regime , nothing was wrong in the country except a few unrests caused by terrorists.
  • The social media only played a role in spreading the news outside the country but it did not play that huge role in the revolution in the real world considering the fact the online censorship Ben Ali imposed. Yes in Egypt things are different as the 6 April strike and the Khaled Said movement are good examples but people do not just organize them online.
  • The dictatorship and corruption are not over by the escape of the dictator president and his family alone , it is a long process to clean the country
  • Revolutions do not mean violence despite this related to the level of education and civility of the people , unlike what our official media claims in Tunisia those who spread violence in the country were the thugs of Ben Ali. Destroying the Ben Ali and his extended family’s properties  is a normal action.
This is what I learned from the Tunisian revolution
We should learn from each other to avoid repeating the mistakes.
